Friday, March 20, 2009

you see it?

My Podcast Alley feed! {pca-cf3d6a7c1e25c9003a4e486cf90d298c}

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Temporary Websites

Here is my temporary Website until my Domain names are secured:

Entheogenic Healing Arts:

Holes to Heave: Evolutionary Astrology


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I closed my eyes....out comes a Poem. Shreik!

The Wanting comes in waves
I crave You Darkness
Dragons, demons, and Archangels hover
my hands reek
and I take cover
attempting to remember the good Ol'
How this could have turned out
Followed by Everything
pushing on towards Nothing
these tears shine promises of how it could be
cackles echoing in these Chambers
Nightmare is established
Dreams turn Reality
Egos get shattered
the dark....the gray.... the lighter
We are Archetypes of fragmented desgrees
You need me
I need....this
Don't hate
Don't Love
Just Live
Give me back the Want
The Wanting comes in waves

Podcast is here!@!!!

Just wanted the world to know about my new podcast: The Entheogenic Healing Arts podcast. You can find it both on my website: and @ The purpose of the cast is to educate and evolve by learning about the applicability of Ancient wisdom and healing traditions to the Modern world. Hope you enjoy.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Holes to Heaven

Just wanted the World to know about my new website I just put up for Evolutionary Astrology services. It is currently:
and soon will (once I get my host in line)
On the site you will find some basic info about me, services, articles, and podcasts (to come). Look forward to seeing you there.

Love and light

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What is Tong Ren?

Many people are asking how Tong Ren works? Where does it come from? Is it like Voodoo? Here is a link to an overview of what Tong Ren is, and how it allows us in our practice to work 'miracles." Visit if you want to inquire more into the nature of this technique and some of the other services I offer.

Tong Ren ling: