Friday, March 20, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Temporary Websites
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
I closed my eyes....out comes a Poem. Shreik!

The Wanting comes in waves
I crave You Darkness
Dragons, demons, and Archangels hover
my hands reek
and I take cover
attempting to remember the good Ol'
How this could have turned out
Followed by Everything
pushing on towards Nothing
these tears shine promises of how it could be
cackles echoing in these Chambers
Nightmare is established
Dreams turn Reality
Egos get shattered
the dark....the gray.... the lighter
We are Archetypes of fragmented desgrees
You need me
I need....this
Don't hate
Don't Love
Just Live
Give me back the Want
The Wanting comes in waves
I crave You Darkness
Dragons, demons, and Archangels hover
my hands reek
and I take cover
attempting to remember the good Ol'
How this could have turned out
Followed by Everything
pushing on towards Nothing
these tears shine promises of how it could be
cackles echoing in these Chambers
Nightmare is established
Dreams turn Reality
Egos get shattered
the dark....the gray.... the lighter
We are Archetypes of fragmented desgrees
You need me
I need....this
Don't hate
Don't Love
Just Live
Give me back the Want
The Wanting comes in waves
Podcast is here!@!!!

Just wanted the world to know about my new podcast: The Entheogenic Healing Arts podcast. You can find it both on my website: and @ The purpose of the cast is to educate and evolve by learning about the applicability of Ancient wisdom and healing traditions to the Modern world. Hope you enjoy.
5 element CHinese medicine,
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Holes to Heaven

Just wanted the World to know about my new website I just put up for Evolutionary Astrology services. It is currently:
and soon will (once I get my host in line)
On the site you will find some basic info about me, services, articles, and podcasts (to come). Look forward to seeing you there.
Love and light
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
What is Tong Ren?

Many people are asking how Tong Ren works? Where does it come from? Is it like Voodoo? Here is a link to an overview of what Tong Ren is, and how it allows us in our practice to work 'miracles." Visit if you want to inquire more into the nature of this technique and some of the other services I offer.
Tong Ren ling:
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Plant Wars
exerpt from Dale Pendell's PharmakoDynamis:
Perhaps it is the plants that turn history, and we act in their behalf--sowing fields, opening plantations and imbibing the steaming extracts. The plant spirit moves through our bodies, spreading through blood and nerves, lymph and synapse, until our identites are merged and we do their bidding. We secure beachheads, plan campaigns to subdue a continent and win a culture.
Some plants are gregarious , others jealous. Tobacco gets along with everyone, excepting maybe Methodists. Wine and opium can't even attend the same party. Tea visits the poppy's house, but not that of the grape. Coffee seems to be imperialistic: thou shalt have no other stimulants before me, while khat doesnt mind coffee at the table at all.
The plants have their own way of looking at history--its not just a difference of time scale. It is difficult for humans to understand==we lack the plant's direct accesss to Light--we have to eat them.
Alcohol has a streak of meanness, and its shrines are loud and noisy. Coffee favors conversation to music, so its houses are lively but not loud.
In this primal communion--this, our eating of the god--we accept by surrendering. We give up our individuality, our autonomous freedom and will--and accept the grace of the Redeemer. The plant gets a chair on the top floor.
Cannabis mixes freely, except when its paranoid. Hallucinogenic mushrooms and cacti need no others--they cross mountain passes and explore desert trails like free wandering monks. They greet the elementals, make friends with corn, then open the doors. No one is excluded.
Its no wonder the Catholicism was so easily accepted in Mexico. Sacfrificing the god, and then eating him, was, to Mesoamericans, no an unfamiliar concept.
And maize fed Spain, while the deer moved into the mountains.
mmmmm, the Plants...what do you think?
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Palo Santo (Holy Wood)

How can you help us?
I have been using Palo Santo ever since my journey to the Amazon jungle, using it for own spirtual cleansing, and also with patients of mine. The energy of the smoke gives a tangible cleansing. It is profound. I havent ever met anyone who hasnt enjoyed its smell either. It wasn't until just the other day when we got Palo Santo oil from Young Living when I truly understood to power of this tree. The oil smells different than the smoke. It was hard to get used to. The feeling wasnt to difficult to adjust to though, it was amazing. Anyways, I was researching the benefits of this "Holy tree" today and stumpled upon this article:
There is some incredible information in here, I hope you enjoy. If you are interested in the oil, or incense, contact me for the cheapest connect. I highly recommend it!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
The Dark night of the Soul

Pluto joins Neptune!
It has been strange; Every single person I have ever given an Astrology reading thus far has had this configuration, whether in transit or Solar Arc directed. Strange because I am just beginning in my Astrology carrer, and in the beginning of my learning, one of the first things I noticed about my own chart was when Pluto was crossing over my south node and Neptune, dancing back and forth for about 2 years, it was definitely the hardest time of my life. It was a time of amazing spiritual insight and growth, but also major karmic explosion. Confusion of where I was heading in my life, responsibility, and disillusionment. A lot of this has to do with it being my south node, but still it is Neptune and Pluto: The Dark night of the Sould, as St. John of the Cross would call it.
The attraction of those individuals who are going through the same transit is bizarre, but maybe no so much. In my healing practice, my partner and I have noticed how different each of the patients we attract are, and something similar too: the ones comings to each of us are going through issues each of us have already moved through. It is almost as if once you have healed and become victorious through a certain area of life, you attract those who need your assistance. Fascinating. So, if you are going through a "Dark night of the Soul" (ages 23-25, or around 60 years old) contact me if you need some support. You dont need do be these ages either to be feeling as if you are in the "dark night," it can manifest in a million different ways, it is just a big one...a very big one, to have Pluto transiting over Neptune. Be well my friends
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tenet of the 5 Elements

....Lonny Jarrent says,
As postmodern humans conditioned by pluralistic values, we are used to looking at the One from the perspective of the many. What does it mean to look at the many from the perspective of the One?
From an absolute perspective, the mind of enlightenment when looking at the five elements (the relative world) recognizes only its own expression and nothing else. Each of the five elements is liberated through manifestation of its virtue as all virtue is absolute and never relative. The step back to the center of the circle is the same for each of the five elements as is the price to be paid for taking it; letting go of all reference points familiar to the conditioned mind-the ego’s fears and desires-the illusion of a separate self. Living any of these tenets will instantly result in an experience of the higher potentials inherent in freedom.
Constitution will likely persist physically and, perhaps evidence in the personality, but consciousness is free of it. Constitution is never an excuse for any particular behavior.
These five tenets, or principles of enlightenment within each element, allow the practitioner to hold an enlightened relationship to clinical practice. To the degree that any practitoner sincerely lives these tenets with integrity, he or she will have the ability to liberate the function of that element in another through the practice of medicine. Anything short of striving to live these principles will only allow the practitioner to help the patient feel better about where he or she already is.
Water; Will
Fire: Volitionality
Wood: Perspective
Metal: Transparency
Earth: Integrity
The point of my article is:
1. Only to the degree that a practitioner actually wants to be free more than anything else will they be able to liberate the water element in a patient.
2. Only to the degree a practitioner actually IS taking full responsibility for his or her life circumstances having renounced victimization can they liberate the fire element in a patient.
3. Only to the degree that a practitioner is Facing Everything and Avoiding Nothing and has renounced the right to hide anything from him or herself can they liberate the wood element in a patient.
4. Only to the degree that a practitioner is transparent (there is nowhere in his or her life they would mind others looking) and has renounced the right to take things personally can they liberate the metal element in a patient.
5. Only to the degree that a practitioner strives toward integrity and expresses gratitude for life through giving fro a selfless motive
can they liberate the earth element in a patient.
Anything less is collusion and can only help a patient feel more comfortable about who he or she already is. In this context, Chinese medicine is anti-evolutionary, in other words, conservative!
If I set my intention on freedom, more than anything else (water), I will take absolute responsibility for my life circumstances (fire), and be ready to face into whatever I must (wood) hiding nothing from myself, thus revealing that nothing is personal (metal) and that my own liberation is for the integrity of the whole (earth).
WATER: Will, Intention.
Setting one’s will on freedom “more than anything else” is the foundation of the spiritual path. Everyone has a bottom line and that bottom line will determine one’s actions under pressure. Conditioned water wants power, or the avoidance of power, more than it wants freedom. Fear transforms into wisdom in direct proportion to how much we gain knowledge of emptiness.
The mind, as a manifestation of the nervous system, is built evolutionarily to orient us in time and space through storing memory of our experience and our relationship to our experience. The human mind is compelled to know as a way of avoiding the fear that comes from facing emptiness. In the face of the unknown the mind goes crazy making up scenarios to fill in the blanks. These usually fluctuate wildly between the best and worse case outcomes. When we come to the edge of emptiness, that place where if we take even one more step risking that we will fall forever and never return, the mind demands to know what our life will look like on the other side. The mind wants to know before we take the step what the outcome will be before hand. But we can never know.
Before leaping, moving ahead is our worst fear because we may see something that causes our values to change. Things that were very important to us may no longer be and things that weren’t so important might become very important. If our values change our relationships might change. We might literally die to our former life.
After leaping the greatest fear is of ever going back to who and how we were.
Step after step, and never returning as our will is set on progress we gain confidence and conviction in the process and direction of becoming itself.
Faith is the conviction to proceed forward in the face of our fears for the sake of manifesting undreamt of potential, not for ourselves but for the evolution of consciousness itself.
FIRE: Volition
Fire is the emblem of that which never moves; consciousness itself. The North Star, the Sun, the Emperor, the Guru, and the Heart are all centers that must never move so that we have an absolute reference point to guide by. The emperor bares ultimate responsibility for alignment with the will of heaven evidenced by action rooted in emptiness (fire penetrating water). To the degree fire is conditioned, one experiences him or herself as a victim who has been betrayed, wounded, and traumatized. Conditioned fire wants connection, or denies connection, more than it wants freedom. Fire grants the capacity to recognize, in discovering emptiness as it’s source, that nothing ever happened or could ever happen to its pure motivation to create a more wholesome future.
In fire we realize that all past wounds or traumas are insignificant compared with our present and future potential.
Shen, spirit, is that part of ourselves that is interested in depth and its manifestation as ever higher potentials in the world.
Compassion means that we recognize only the authentic self, the highest, within all others as being real and are willing to take a stand for their own identification with that best part of themselves. Compassion means caring more for our patients integrity than we care about being liked by them.
To liberate fire we must:
1. Take responsibility for all our past actions that have created suffering for others.
2. Take responsibility for the consequences within ourselves for everything we have experienced.
WOOD: Perspective/humility
Humility means that, even though our perspective is rooted in heaven, we stand on earth. Because we are capable of perceiving the absolute does not mean that we are the absolute. After all, we live in a relative universe and, after 15 billion years of cosmic development matter has only begun to awaken as us in the last few thousand years. Humility means seeing clearly the nature of the gap between us and what has been revealed in our highest perspective to be possible. Wood empowers the ability to strive to close that gap by bridging heaven and earth.
Conditioned wood wants to be right more than it wants freedom.
To liberate wood we must: Face everything and avoid nothing.
This means that everything is always on the table for examination. We want to see our conditioning for the sake of being free. We literally renounce the need to have to hide anything that’s true from our own awareness. We become more concerned with truth than with preserving any structure from the past. We endeavor to hide nothing from ourselves and we seek relationships where nothing is hidden from us. Having the confidence that only that which is unwholesome will ever have to be let go of, we grow into the future without self imposed constraint.
Metal: Transparency/impersonality
Righteousness, the virtue of the metal element translates as, “not my will but thine”. In righteousness we surrender our will to the will of heaven recognizing the natural hierarchy between us and the absolute. Hence, the character yi, for righteousness, depicts the character for “self” under that for “king”.
To the degree that metal is conditioned, it identifies with surfaces and to the degree metal is liberated it identifies with depth. Metal is the mechanism by which we personalize our life experience. Literally nothing ingested is inside us until it is absorbed through the membrane of the lung or large intestine which literally define the boundary of self and not self. Pride is a self reflection on the surface of who and what we actually are. It is a self image that we imagine we are reflecting to the world. Pride is the quicker than quick response to hide from ourselves any action we may take that proves that we are indeed not perfect. Pride is the ego’s instantaneous response to deny our actual condition as revealed through our words and actions.
Conditioned metal wants affirmation more than it wants freedom.
The liberation of the metal element is through discovering the truth of impersonality. In this we renounce the need to possess any fixed sense of self. We recognize that we are, in fact, the leading edge of the process of cosmic development itself. The righteous relationship to this realization is the renunciation of pride and the acceptance of our responsibility with dignity.
Objectivity is realized in wood to the degree that metal has renounced the illusion of a fixed self. In metal we discover that nothing is personal that there is no fixed self structure that we invested in preserving.
Earth: Integrity: For the sake of the whole.
Earth represents the evolution of the motive for spiritual development. In water we set our site on freedom, “more than anything else” because we wanted to be free. We wanted relief from our own minds and the minds of others. In earth, our motive transforms to wanting freedom not for our own sake, but for the sake of the integrity of the universal process of evolution and development itself.
Conditioned earth wants comfort more than it wants freedom.
Integrity is a state in which center is maintained through constant development. In this fifth stage of development we now have firm ground on which to stand, from which we can unceasingly create a more wholesome future.
...and I applaud. So beautiful
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Cure your own damn cavaties!

Weston Price is a genius...
My teeth started hurting the other day, the early cavity kind of hurt, and being a poor chap at the moment, I don't have any dental insurance--I started to fret. It was tough to fathom that I even had a cavatiy because I take great care of my teeth, always flossing and brushing, but it hurt. I started to wonder about indiginous folks and our ancestors...they didn't have dentists, or mercury fillings, how did they cope. Well, Weston Price and a more modern chap, Ramiel Nagel, who just wrote a book called, CureToothDecay:; found the answers. I was overjoyed. I applied their theories, even though I was already doing most of what they are saying, and within a few days....Bammm gone! So, I say check them out, and skip your next dentist appointment.
Weston Price:
Be Well my friends,
Monday, January 19, 2009
New Eleusis?
Plant Speak #2: Tea
How many cups does it take?

Tea. Oh, what a gift. Such an underestimated plant. Well, maybe not. The Chinese protected it for hundreds of years; No Share!. The Japanese made art and ceremony out of it. Europeans were fiends for it and went to war for it. They dissolved millions of pounds of sugar into it at the expense of African's lives. So, lets not say underestimated, but maybe today it is. Seems to me coffee has a greater hold on our society than this enlightening little plant. A moment of veneration.......ahhhhh.
Tea, you are like a monk with a stick with lessons ever subtle, I thank you. First, for helping me come to terms with our powerhouse friend coffee. Second, I am at your command for all you have taught me about attention to the details. Art. Pose. Quality. You seem to pull attention towards the greater beauty in the world. You are fast. I love you. Not as fast as the black water thankfully.
Anti-oxidants, polyphenols, vitamins, and minerals. You offer all for the upkeep of our bodies and minds and spirits. I will carefully serve your purpose. Share your insights. Bodhidharma sacrificed his eyelids for you. I sacrifice my beverage preference for you. May you help heal our constitutions. Fermented or not, from China or Japan or India, it seems your lot is similar: composed! Spiritual. Elegant. Regal. May I be an initiate. I bow down before your nature. The drink of a thousand and one Buddhas please enlighten me...and my friends.
Tea anyone?

"The first bowl cleanly moistens my lips and throat;
The second banishes my loneliness;
the third chases through all dullness
To clarify every word I've ever read.
The fourth brings on a light sweat
That cleanses away life's troubles.
The fifth purifies my soul
The sixth beckons me to the Immortals.
The seventh is my limit,
A light breeze breaks from my sleeves."
Lu T'ung, the "Teas Doter."
The second banishes my loneliness;
the third chases through all dullness
To clarify every word I've ever read.
The fourth brings on a light sweat
That cleanses away life's troubles.
The fifth purifies my soul
The sixth beckons me to the Immortals.
The seventh is my limit,
A light breeze breaks from my sleeves."
Lu T'ung, the "Teas Doter."
Tea. Oh, what a gift. Such an underestimated plant. Well, maybe not. The Chinese protected it for hundreds of years; No Share!. The Japanese made art and ceremony out of it. Europeans were fiends for it and went to war for it. They dissolved millions of pounds of sugar into it at the expense of African's lives. So, lets not say underestimated, but maybe today it is. Seems to me coffee has a greater hold on our society than this enlightening little plant. A moment of veneration.......ahhhhh.
Tea, you are like a monk with a stick with lessons ever subtle, I thank you. First, for helping me come to terms with our powerhouse friend coffee. Second, I am at your command for all you have taught me about attention to the details. Art. Pose. Quality. You seem to pull attention towards the greater beauty in the world. You are fast. I love you. Not as fast as the black water thankfully.
Anti-oxidants, polyphenols, vitamins, and minerals. You offer all for the upkeep of our bodies and minds and spirits. I will carefully serve your purpose. Share your insights. Bodhidharma sacrificed his eyelids for you. I sacrifice my beverage preference for you. May you help heal our constitutions. Fermented or not, from China or Japan or India, it seems your lot is similar: composed! Spiritual. Elegant. Regal. May I be an initiate. I bow down before your nature. The drink of a thousand and one Buddhas please enlighten me...and my friends.
Correspondence List:
Color: Mountain Green
Shape: circle
Planet: Saturn
God: Pan Gu
Activity: Meditation
Time of Day: Anytime
Music: Oriental
State of Mind: Serenity
Enemy: Coffee
Ally: Monks
Meridian: Lung
Element: Ether
Religion: Taoism
Sport: Mountain Climbing
Tuning: Drop D
Story: Bodhidharma's
Medicine: Qi Gong
Sport: Golf
Color: Mountain Green
Shape: circle
Planet: Saturn
God: Pan Gu
Activity: Meditation
Time of Day: Anytime
Music: Oriental
State of Mind: Serenity
Enemy: Coffee
Ally: Monks
Meridian: Lung
Element: Ether
Religion: Taoism
Sport: Mountain Climbing
Tuning: Drop D
Story: Bodhidharma's
Medicine: Qi Gong
Sport: Golf
Tea anyone?
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Where on Earth?

It was all Yellow...
In the Five Element Tradition of Chinese Medicine we look for signs of what elements are speaking to us through color, sound, odor, and emotion. We use this to diagnose patients. Recently, I experienced the most dramatic case of an element speaking through color in my life. My patient, we will call him Ian, was experiencing semi-frequent anxiety attacks, loose colorful stools, and a difficulty eating. After taking pulses and doing the TD, we decided he was a Fire/Water CF, but there was something else crying out: the Earth. Beginning a year ago, his stomach issues started to arise. Also, an incredible onset of an obsession for the color yellow. He started wearing a lot of it, his myspace avatar is just yellow, and he was emitting a white/yellow from his face. The treatment revolved around treating his Earth (stomach/spleen) and finishing using Fire source points. The next day he experienced what some would call a healing crisis. Currently, he is on the road being completely rooted once again. Now go listen to Coldplay..."yellow."
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Been Thinking...
What exactly is my purpose in creating this Blog? Originally, it was to educate people about what I do and also on health and healing topics. It then transformed into holding a discussion within topics such as evolution of consciousness. Now, with just a few measly blogs created and no views and no discussions and no time to really network with others online, I have decided to use it as a space, which is probably true to the "blogs" real purpose: To be an online journal. I want to still talk about the same topics, but in a much more personal manner. It will be poetic and ridiculous, professional and amateureque, it will be true to my musings. So, this is the turning point from the "bog" and into the 'blog." I am excited. I feel butterflies. What do you feel???
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Our brief

What do Entheogen’s, 5 Element Chinese Medicine, and Evolutionary Astrology all have in common? I offer that they all have a profound potential for healing at the psycho/spiritual level of our being. What then happens when they are combined? You get Entheomedicne. Essentially, we use the Spirit, insight, and relationships gained from the Entheogenic experience in the treatment room. In no way are we using Entheogenic substances during our sessions, nor are we encouraging the usage of them. We simply use our experience with the spirits of plants to help assist in healing. In the following passage I wish to offer a brief history of the medicine, an explanation of what it looks like in practice, and also what the future of Entheomedicine might look like. I apologize in advance for it being a bit biographical, but I don’t know if there was any other way.
During our studies at the Academy of 5 Element Acupuncture my partner and I began to become disheartened with the limitations of school. The 5 elements branch of Chinese medicine is, no doubt, an elegant, and incredibly spiritual medicine, but we were hitting walls with it. Within the shadows of my own life I was doing extensive research and healing work with Entheogenic plants when an untimely opportunity arouse for me to explore a dormant dream to go explore the rainforests of South America and to drink Ayahuasca. I took the opportunity with a leave of absence from school and with a plan not to return for 6 months. My mission : to learn how to heal without anything but my own two hands and voice.
The trip was powerful! It wasn’t as long as expected,. It ended up to be just a few weeks, but it was just what I was looking for. Madre de Ayahuasca told me, along with the Curandero, Don Eduardo, that she wasn’t my medicine, and , in fact, it was wise for me to go back to the states because there was something I had to do there. Complying with these powerful oracles I booked my ticket the next day. When I arrived back in the states is when the seed began to sprout. Entheomedicine had started to grow.
I met my first spiritual teacher upon returning. Quite miraculously, Paul Fraser, an Acupuncturist/Qi Gong master invited me to participate in his Medical Qi Gong class. Throughout the transformation which was taking place for me in the class, my partner and I , who was still in her clinical year at the school, started seeing patients at our home. My dream had become manifest. Terence Mckenna once said, “Shamans in all times and places have gained their powers through relationships with helping spirits.” I had fully groked this relationship at this point. Within dreams and intuitions the spirits of these plants were communicating with me. Telling me how to treat, use the 5 elements, and manipulate Qi in my own body and the bodies of our patients. Most importantly, the spirits of the plants were doing much of the healing just by being asked. In Plant, Spirit, Medicine, an amazing text on ancient, but still accessible shamanic techniques, Eliot Cowan, who is also a 5 Element practitioner and who has also synthesized 5 Element theory with Shamansim, says, “Years later I found out it isn’t necessary to be poor, illiterate, and Indian to learn deep healing from a plant--most plants will teach anyone if they are interested. If you are interested, all you have to do is ask.”
Our practice was in full swing by the time we graduated and moved out West. The next chapter was an unexpected one and an indispensable one. I had my first Astrology reading. Not just any Astrology reading, but an Evolutionary one. Ari Moshe Wolfe, who is a certified Evolutionary Astrologer, blew my mind. It is different from all other forms of Astrology in that you focus on the Souls (Pluto‘s) desire in this lifetime and what obstacles and tools (Moons nodes and aspects) there are to make this desire manifest. I became determined to learn the basics of these techniques in this strange and alien language. I planned on using it to better understand the nature of our patients and to help them move through and evolve out of their circumstances. In just a few month’s of studying with him I had begun to apply this knowledge to our practice and what felt like some kind of Holy Trinity had been created (Plant Spirit Medicine, Acupuncture, and Astrology).
It was a difficult step for us to take in adopting the word Entheogen into our name. It is such a charged entity. Many don’t even know what it means, and for those who do--of course--the association goes straight to the sacred plants. The word Entheogen is just the best word for what we do, it encapsulates where our work is coming from. The word itself implies “to experience God from within.” Our assumption is that we aren’t the ones actually doing the healing, nor the plants really. Ultimately, it is the ineffable.
So, what does it look like in practice? The session begins with a 2hr diagnosis where we are able to get to know the person, establish rapport, and get some basic diagnostic information. I ask them to bring their birth information to assist us in understanding the nature of where their Soul is at in it’s evolutionary journey. Whether they want a full Astrological reading is up to them-- the birth information is useful either way. We then enter the treatment room where we do the acupuncture, medical Qi gong, and spirit work. In the year we have been experimenting with these combinations this seems to be the most effective approach. Everyone in our practice has left with the elimination of their symptoms and their overall wellbeing increased. In fact, most continue seeing us, even if they cannot see us in the flesh. A lot of what we are doing can be done just as effectively at a distance--sometimes it is even stronger. Never is the form set in stone. We are open to flux, in fact, we embrace it. Life demands it from us.
In conclusion, I hope this was inspiring. My purpose in writing this was to share my experience and to get feedback from those who are willing to respond. I know there are many out there who will embrace this fresh approach to medicine. In the face of all the change we are up against, we feel these new and ancient approaches to health care are what we need. I also felt the need to share this story because I want to attract others doing similar work who are hopefully interested in creating a cooperative system where we work and share resources amongst ourselves. We desire to create some sort of alternative energy exchange system which can be completely self-sustained. I hope for your feedback: the good and the bad. I need all of it pointed out. We are waiting, we are hoping, and we are praying for the cessation of all suffering in all beings.
qi gong,
reality sandwich
Friday, January 9, 2009
How does Acupuncture actually work?

It's simple really...
There are just a few basic assumptions to get out of the way before you can understand.
1) All manifestations in the world are made up of one thing: Qi, or energy.
2) This energy applies to the human being and its body, emotions, mind, and spirit.
3) This Qi can be directed willingly in such ways to bring about health and well being in the person.
Now, without accepting these notions you may have difficulty believing how it works. You don't have to be a follower in the Pleiads or Atlantis to accept these basic ideas. In fact, our very own scientists are stumbling all over these ancient truth's today calling it different things, like quantum mechanics etc. but essentially it is the same thing.
There are different schools of Acupuncture. For instance, there is Traditional Chinese Medicine, a Korean form, a Japanese one, and a Five Element form. The latter is where I work from. It is different from the rest in that it treats the root of the illness instead of the symptoms. Instead of receiving a magic pill, you get the thrill of experiencing self in ultimate balance.
How though?
Well, after being diagnosed via techniques such as pulse, tongue, odor, voice, emotion, and color we can move forward and treat you on what element in your body we fell is out of balance. The Elements are: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. We have them all within us and everyone has one they basically live from which is usually the one out of balance. So, by accessing the element's meridian within the body--there are 12 major, and a few minor meridians--we are able to balance your system, and thus cure your allergies, or whatever else ails you. Sound simple? Well, it is, but, of course, it is complicated in its own right.
For more information on Acupuncture check out:
where you can get a better idea what the world is saying about this elegant medicine, and also what the scientists are saying.
1) All manifestations in the world are made up of one thing: Qi, or energy.
2) This energy applies to the human being and its body, emotions, mind, and spirit.
3) This Qi can be directed willingly in such ways to bring about health and well being in the person.
Now, without accepting these notions you may have difficulty believing how it works. You don't have to be a follower in the Pleiads or Atlantis to accept these basic ideas. In fact, our very own scientists are stumbling all over these ancient truth's today calling it different things, like quantum mechanics etc. but essentially it is the same thing.
There are different schools of Acupuncture. For instance, there is Traditional Chinese Medicine, a Korean form, a Japanese one, and a Five Element form. The latter is where I work from. It is different from the rest in that it treats the root of the illness instead of the symptoms. Instead of receiving a magic pill, you get the thrill of experiencing self in ultimate balance.
How though?
Well, after being diagnosed via techniques such as pulse, tongue, odor, voice, emotion, and color we can move forward and treat you on what element in your body we fell is out of balance. The Elements are: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. We have them all within us and everyone has one they basically live from which is usually the one out of balance. So, by accessing the element's meridian within the body--there are 12 major, and a few minor meridians--we are able to balance your system, and thus cure your allergies, or whatever else ails you. Sound simple? Well, it is, but, of course, it is complicated in its own right.
For more information on Acupuncture check out:
where you can get a better idea what the world is saying about this elegant medicine, and also what the scientists are saying.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Plant Speak #1: Coffee....
"When the black spirits pour inside us,
Then the spirit of God and air
And all that is wonderous within
Moves us through the night, never-ending"
Rumi, (ranting and twirling and singing and praying)
Coffee. Kahwey. java. Crank. Bean. Joe. Go Juice. Ambition. Are you good for me (for us), or do you have a different agenda? You make it easy for so many to slide out of bed in the morning with your alluring aroma which dances from your sneaky shrine. Its true! You are one of the most revered plants in the world. Every office has a shrine for you. Most houses do too! What is it about you? Kalidi and his laughing goats can offer us an answer: Excitation. Curious goats, sensuas little cherries with a whammy of a punch. You are ubiqitous too. Who is willing to admit your addictive spirit? Your effects are so elusive also. And how well you go with all of the other New World goodies: Tobacco, Sugar, and Chocolate. Blessing or a curse. The verdict is still out. I do find it interesting how you and all of your New World buddies have taken such control of your explioters. Way to go. No, honestly, I respect your path. For all those who do not respect your "real" gifts, like our friend Rumi, you offer emotional imbalance, addiction, speediness, stomach cancer, urinary tract infection, and, of course, insomnia. I hope for you to loosen your grip on me. I bow down with an offering. A truce: I will post this on my blog. I will always talk highly of you, and caution those who come in contact with me about your pro's and con's. Coffee, I love you, but I must leave for now. Here is a list of correspondences Dale Pendell has come up with for you agree?
Activity: Commerce
Animal: Camel
Archetype: Soldier
Art: Fiction
Body function: Locomotion
Body part: Heart
Buddha Realm: Karma
Chord: Tonic
Color: Ivory
Cosmic Entity: Main sequence? Blue/white
Crutch for: Inattention
Dimension: Time
Discipline: Taxonomy
Element: Metal
Form of Ignorance: Speculation
God: Hermes
Goddess: Fortuna
Grammar: Context free
Age: Kali Yuga
Humor: Melancholic
Image: Clock
Landscape: Cities
mmm....interesting. If interested in the effects of coffee on your precious organism check out this link:
Animal: Camel
Archetype: Soldier
Art: Fiction
Body function: Locomotion
Body part: Heart
Buddha Realm: Karma
Chord: Tonic
Color: Ivory
Cosmic Entity: Main sequence? Blue/white
Crutch for: Inattention
Dimension: Time
Discipline: Taxonomy
Element: Metal
Form of Ignorance: Speculation
God: Hermes
Goddess: Fortuna
Grammar: Context free
Age: Kali Yuga
Humor: Melancholic
Image: Clock
Landscape: Cities
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
a spark turns to Flame!

I've always known I was to do something different. Never have I been able to be comfortable subscribing to anything fully. I am a synthesizer. A renaissance type man. One feeling as been clear for the longest time admist all of my confusion and soul searching and it is to be of service to others. Nothing is more important to me. I want to help. There is so much suffering the can I help. How can we help.
So, the purpose of this blog isn't to be a autobiography. In fact, I don't desire to bring too much focus on my self at all. Really what I intend to do is share. Share about this new approach my partner and I are taking in medicine, which we are calling "entheomedicine," and to be inspiring for all of you our there who have stumbled across this blog. Coincidence? I think not. You have come for a reason.
Back to my self just for a second to give a brief introduction of who I am and what I do in this life. I am a Certified Medical Qi Gong Practitioner and Evolutionary Astrologer. I work with my partner who is an Acupuncturist and the most amazing healer/person I have met in my life. We both went to Naropa University and went on the study at JR Worsley's, Academy for 5 Element Acupuncture. Paul Fraser was our Qi Gong teacher, who has had a month to live for the past 25 years of his life--a brief insight into the power of Qi...We have been practicing together for almost a year now all over the country from Florida to Washington, and have just settled in Boulder, CO. Within our work we have discovered an invaluable synthesis of all we have learned in one ever changing healing art we call "EntheoMedicine."
I will be trying my best to blog daily, giving teachings, encouragements, quotes, stories, pictures and whatever else prompts me to share with the community. Most of all I want to establish a community of like minded folks (healers, dreamers, thinkers, musicians etc) to share our experience. We live in the most amazing time of interconnectivity. Let's use it and become a force to change to way we live. It is up to us to dream up the future. It is our time, our beckoning.
Be well my friends,
qi qong
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Just the beginning!
This is my blog. Never thought I'd create a blog, but here we are...blogging. I love to share. Sharing is what this blog is about. Sharing information about self empowerment, health, healing, love, and good songs. Its just beginning. Welcome...
This is my blog. Never thought I'd create a blog, but here we are...blogging. I love to share. Sharing is what this blog is about. Sharing information about self empowerment, health, healing, love, and good songs. Its just beginning. Welcome...
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