I've always known I was to do something different. Never have I been able to be comfortable subscribing to anything fully. I am a synthesizer. A renaissance type man. One feeling as been clear for the longest time admist all of my confusion and soul searching and it is to be of service to others. Nothing is more important to me. I want to help. There is so much suffering the world...how can I help. How can we help.
So, the purpose of this blog isn't to be a autobiography. In fact, I don't desire to bring too much focus on my self at all. Really what I intend to do is share. Share about this new approach my partner and I are taking in medicine, which we are calling "entheomedicine," and to be inspiring for all of you our there who have stumbled across this blog. Coincidence? I think not. You have come for a reason.
Back to my self just for a second to give a brief introduction of who I am and what I do in this life. I am a Certified Medical Qi Gong Practitioner and Evolutionary Astrologer. I work with my partner who is an Acupuncturist and the most amazing healer/person I have met in my life. We both went to Naropa University and went on the study at JR Worsley's, Academy for 5 Element Acupuncture. Paul Fraser was our Qi Gong teacher, who has had a month to live for the past 25 years of his life--a brief insight into the power of Qi...We have been practicing together for almost a year now all over the country from Florida to Washington, and have just settled in Boulder, CO. Within our work we have discovered an invaluable synthesis of all we have learned in one ever changing healing art we call "EntheoMedicine."
I will be trying my best to blog daily, giving teachings, encouragements, quotes, stories, pictures and whatever else prompts me to share with the community. Most of all I want to establish a community of like minded folks (healers, dreamers, thinkers, musicians etc) to share our experience. We live in the most amazing time of interconnectivity. Let's use it and become a force to change to way we live. It is up to us to dream up the future. It is our time, our beckoning.
Be well my friends,
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